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Dung dịch vệ sinh khoang máy

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Lượt xem: 5947
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Color: Blue
Perfume: Pineapple
This is also the superior product to
metal cleaning in the engine compartment,
Quick cleaning without scrubbing or scrubbing on metal surfaces


Easy to use, fast and effective, does not affect the rubber of the machine cavity, does not cause snail burn, works quickly with aluminum, works on the liver, does not lighten the liver because the liver itself is dark gray, not bright white like Aluminum, chrome.
In addition to cleaning the metal inside the machine compartment, you can also clean Lazang quickly.
Clean footsteps
Logo Cleaning should be a 1: 2 dilution

In the market today, most of the cleaning products for the engine compartment are mainly cleaning the surface of the rubber plastic. , cleaning the engine compartment car
Moreover, the new clean metal creates a highlight for the engine compartment, helping to reduce the yellowing process for the engine compartment.
Proper cleaning of the engine compartment is enough to clean the metal inside the engine compartment, while cleaning the compartment just cleaning the rubber plastic is not enough.
The benefit of cleaning the engine compartment is to help the cooler to improve the life of the engine, eliminating the inspection of insects and mice.
Recommendation: Wash machine 4 times a year, clean machine cavity 1 time



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